
Supporting literacy at home  

Supporting literacy at home  

 Supporting literacy at home  

Measles prevention in Nova Scotia

Measles Prevention in NS

Measles prevention in Nova Scotia 

We are sharing the following on behalf of Nova Scotia Public Health: 

Chebucto Connections

Food Resources for families

Chebucto Connections offers several programs designed to assist families with food security.  Please see attached for more information and a survey to share your thoughts with the organization.

School Bus Safety

School Bus Safety

School Bus Safety Reminder 

Please talk with your child about school bus safety on a regular basis. Students should tell their bus driver and/or school principal if they have any problems. 

Spirit Week Feb 10-14

Spirit Week Feb 10-14

Check out or activities for our HCJH Spirit Week happening Feb 10-14

February is Registration Month 

February is Registration Month 

February is Registration Month 

Do you have a child who will be starting pre-primary or primary this fall? It’s time to register!  

African Heritage Month 2025

Celebrate African Heritage Month 2025

Celebrate African Heritage Month 2025 

African Heritage Month in Nova Scotia, celebrated each February, honours the contributions of African Nova Scotians.  

Weather Decisions

Important weather reminders

Did you know? HRCE takes great care when making the decision to alter the regular operations of schools and school busses in the event of severe or inclement weather.   

Spirit Week - Dec 16-20th

Spirit Week - Dec 16-20th

Get ready to celebrate Spirit Week Dec 16-20!

Monday - Dress in Candy Cane Colours (red, green and white)***

Tuesday - Holiday Sweater Day (the uglier the better!)

Girls' VB Championship Banner

Girls' Volleyball Champions!

Congratulations to our Girls' Volleyball team for winning their league championship!  The team had a great season and would like to thank their coaches Ms. Homans (parent volunteer) & Ms. Saunders.  Go Vikings!